The Importance of API Documentation in Developer Experience
Many people know that application programming interfaces (APIs) are the backbone of all software. They let software talk to each other and […]
Effective Developer Market Segmentation: Tools, Techniques, and Strategies
As a developer marketer, you need tools to make creating developer market segmentation a whole lot easier; just as developers need code […]
Developer Segmentation Tips for Developer Marketers
In our last article, we discussed developer segmentation and how it affects developer marketing efforts. To recap, marketing segmentation categorizes developers into […]
How Market Segmentation Impacts Developer Marketing
Reaching and engaging with developers requires a lot of energy and effort because developers are a diverse group of skilled folks with […]
What is Developer Messaging?
Developer messaging can be confusing, as most people think it’s about text messages. In this context, messaging refers to how you present […]
How to Drive Product Adoption Within the Developer Community
Introduction Working as a developer advocate, you introduce a new technology or product to a developer community and demonstrate its use cases […]
The Role of a Developer Advocate
Developer advocates are crucial in marketing to developers or technical users. They act as a liaison between developers and the company, ensuring […]
6 Reasons Why Developer Communities Are Important
Introduction Behind every great product, innovation, or tool is a community of developers collaborating, learning, ideating, and pushing the boundaries of what […]
Pros & Cons of Content Marketing in Developer Marketing
As a developer marketer, content marketing is a key approach to sharing developer resources with users or the developer content. You can […]
Simplified Guide to Developer Personas
Introduction As a developer marketer or developer relations engineer, understanding developer personas is a must, and knowing how these factors affect your […]
Getting Started with GitBook: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Every developer-focused community around a product or tool needs documentation to thrive. This documentation guides the community to understand and effectively […]
How to Write an Engaging Technical Content
Introduction Writing a technical article is a huge part of a developer marketer’s responsibility, and it involves more than organizing your thoughts […]